Manage the order of Templates assigned to default Issue types

Jira permissions are needed: grant users Administer Projects permission to convert project templates to global

More about permissions here → Checklist & Templates Permissions

How templates order works

Once you assign several templates to the same issue type - they will be added to the issue on creation in the next order:

Settings ⚙️

View (blue star)

Manage the order of templates assigned to default issue types:

1. Assign the template to a Jira issue type:

  1. Navigate to a Jira issue.

  2. Go to the Smart Checklist menu and click "Manage templates".

  3. Expand the needed template and easily assign it to all issue types by clicking on the toggle button or selecting several issue types (via checkboxes):

After you have several assigned templates to your issues you can manage their order ✅

2. Manage the order of assigned templates:

  1. Navigate to a Jira issue.

  2. Go to the Smart Checklist menu and click "Manage templates".

  3. Click “Manage order“.

  1. You will see the window with issue types and all templates assigned to them:

  1. In order to set the order you want, just expand the issue and change the order by dragging templates:

Manage order.mp4

  1. You can assign or remove templates from the Manage order view as well:

You are all set! Hope everything works for you! 🚀