Not available in next-gen projects. Please see the details here.

To use this functionality you need to set-up "Checklists" custom field, or "Smart Checklist Progress". It depends on what main criteria you'd like to search for.

Smart Checklist supports JQL as an approach for searching checklist items values and checklist progress.

If you set up "Checklists" (multi-line text field) and "Smart Checklist Progress" (single-line text field) which are both custom fields - you can easily apply all JQL search patterns.

You can use Assignee search w/o needs of setting up "Checklists" custom field

Search for checklist by assignees

Search examples

New JQL Search options

Starting from 2.5.39-AC introducing new JQL search options for searching checklist items values and checklist progress, like search by status or due date, using custom searchable issue properties.

JQL Search option

Usage Example

Search by number of items

Search for issues using the syntax below:[SmartChecklist].totalChecklistItems > 5 - return all the issues where there are more than 5 checkbox checklist items.

Available operators could be used: >, >=, <, <=, =, !=.

Search by a specified due date

Search for issues using the syntax below:[SmartChecklist].itemsDates ~ '2022-11-11'


Date format used in JQL search should match the date format in the checklist item.

If you are searching for a date: '2022-11-11', it will only match for '2022-11-11', not for '2022/11/11', '11/11/2022' or any other.

Search by checklist items in the particular status

Search for issues using the syntax below:[SmartChecklist].itemsStatus ~ 'Todo'- return all the issues where there is at least one checklist item in Todo status.

Use default status (Todo, Done, Skipped, and In Progress) or custom statuses.

Text is case insensitive, so DONE, Done, or done will return the same results.

Search by checked/unchecked checklist items

Search for issues using the syntax below:

  •[SmartChecklist].hasClosedChecklistItems = 'true' - return all issues where there is at least one completed (checked) checklist item;

  •[SmartChecklist].hasClosedChecklistItems = 'false' - return all issues where all checklist items are open (unchecked);

  •[SmartChecklist].hasOpenChecklistItems = 'true' - return all issues where there is at least one open checklist item;

  •[SmartChecklist].hasOpenChecklistItems = 'false' - return all issues where all checklist items are completed;

NB! At this moment, searching for Jira issues where a specific checklist item has completed/ incompleted status is unavailable.  This happens due to the following limitation: Jira does not index the special character of - and + 

Special characters

+ - & | ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ~ * ? \ :

Special characters aren't stored in the index, which means you can't search for them. The index only keeps text and numbers, so searching for "\\[Jira Software\\]" and "Jira Software" will have the same effect - escaped special characters ([]) will be ignored in the search.
