Since version 5.0.0 Smart Checklist for Jira Server and Data Center support Custom Statuses.

Admin permissions are required to manage Custom Statuses.

Manage statuses

Navigate to Admin Console → Manage Apps → Smart Checklist → Settings → Statuses.

There are 4 default statuses available in appropriate states: “To Do” (unchecked), “Skipped” (checked), “In Progress” (unchecked), “Done” (checked).

You can change status color and order. You can’t change the “State” of default status.

Create a new custom status

Below the statuses list enter a new status Name, choose Color, State and click “+ Add”.

Note: the name is limited to 20 characters.

You can’t rename custom status once it’s added. You’ll need to remove the status and add a new one.

Remove status

To remove custom status - click the “Trash bin” icon near the status state.

If no checklist items are assigned to that status - it’ll be removed immediately.

If some checklist items contain that status - you’ll get a warning:

Once confirmed - status will be removed from the statuses list and all checklist items will be reassigned to the default statuses based on the following rule:

Note: Default statuses cannot be removed.

Reorder statuses

Hold the draggable icon and reorder statuses in the way how you’d like them to be represented in checklist UI.

Choose status display style

Go to Manage Apps → Smart Checklist → Settings → Global Settings.

Choose one style from the 3 available.

Available options:

You can also choose if you want to strikethrough checked items (default option) or not.

Change status in checklist UI

You can set a custom status for the checklist item via addon-UI depending on the chosen global setting for statuses display.

Either on the right side of the checklist item based on the “All statuses” setting.

or based on the “Specific Statuses” setting

Custom status in RAW text format

Custom statuses are represented as [statusname] following the state sign.


Unchecked ON HOLD item would be accessed in Full-screen editor or “Checklists” custom fields as

- [ON HOLD] item with Unchecked state
- [IN QA] item that is IN QA status with Unchecked state
+ [QA FAILED] item that has QA FAILED state Checked state

Example based on the previously viewed checklist:

For any questions or feature requests contact us: