Templates Library

Try the Smart Checklist Templates Library out! Just reuse or customise ready templates for your own needs 🚀

☝🏼 NOTE: New Demo Templates in the Templates Library are available for new instances starting from version 2.5.55 Smart Checklist for Jira

To apply Demo Templates from the Templates Library:

  1. Go to the Smart Checklist menu, and choose Manage Templates:

  2. You'll see the Templates dialog with the list of Demo Templates:


Your Templates Library will contain the following Templates based on your Smart Checklist plan:


Smart Checklist Free

Smart Checklist Pro


Smart Checklist Free

Smart Checklist Pro

Get Started with Smart Checklist



Definition of Done ✅



Content Creation 🎬



Definition of Ready 👌🏻



INVEST (criteria for user story) 📝



Code review 🧑🏻‍💻



Onboarding 👋🏻



SEO research 🔍




  1. Choose the Template you want to apply and click Import:


  1. The Template will be imported into your Issue:


Customise Demo Templates:

You are also free to customize Demo Templates for your own needs:

  • just expand the Template, you want to edit and click the ✏️ Edit button

  • adjust the Template and click Save

☝🏼 NOTE: Demo Templates are global by default.

Changes applied to Global Templates are visible across all projects in the instance. Read more about Global templates here →


Hope everything works for you 🚀