Smart Checklist REST API v1.0 - beta. ARC

Welcome to the Smart Checklist for Jira Server/Data Center platform REST API reference. You can use this REST API to develop integrations between Smart Checklist, Jira, and other 3rd party applications. This page documents the REST resources available in Smart Checklist for the Jira Server/Data Center platform, along with expected HTTP response codes and sample requests.

Looking for simplier integration using Jira REST API and/or 3rd party add-ons? Follow the links below:


Use the same authentication that you use to authenticate to Jira applications on your instances.



Get checklists GET /rest/railsware/1.0/checklist

Retrieve an existing list of checklist for the given issue key

Query parameters

  • issueKey: string (required)


  • status 200 application/json Returns a list of all checklists associated with the provided issue key in JSON format

{ "checklists": [ { "checklistId": 5, "issueId": 10115, "items": [ { "id": 50829, "rank": 0, "label": "Release instructions", "type": "heading", "level": 1, "quotes": [] }, { "id": 50830, "rank": 1, "label": "Preparation", "type": "heading", "level": 2, "quotes": [] }, { "id": 50831, "rank": 2, "label": "Add feature permissions", "type": "item", "status": { "id": 4, "rank": 2, "name": "DONE", "color": "GREEN", "default": true, "statusState": "CHECKED" }, "quotes": [] }, { "id": 50832, "rank": 3, "label": "Send `internal` announcement with presentation", "type": "item", "status": { "id": 4, "rank": 2, "name": "DONE", "color": "GREEN", "default": true, "statusState": "CHECKED" }, "quotes": [] }, { "id": 50833, "rank": 4, "label": "Prepare branch", "type": "item", "status": { "id": 2, "rank": 6, "name": "IN PROGRESS", "color": "BLUE", "default": true, "statusState": "UNCHECKED" }, "quotes": [ { "id": 1439, "rank": 0, "text": "* merge feature to master", "label": "* merge feature to master" }, { "id": 1440, "rank": 1, "text": "* set tag", "label": "* set tag" }, { "id": 1441, "rank": 2, "text": "* update", "label": "* update" } ] } ], "mentionedUsers": {} } ] }


  • status 400 Returned if the issue key is not provided

  • status 404 Returned if the requested issue is not found

Update checklist PUT /rest/railsware/1.0/checklist/{checklistId}

Updates checklist items

Path parameters

  • checklistId: number (required)

Body parameters (application/json) - list of JSON objects:

  • id: number

  • rank: number

  • label: string

  • status: object

    • id: number (required) - new status id


Changes the item 50859 position and changes label + status of item 50860:

[ { "id": 50859, "rank": 3 }, { "id": 50860, "label": "Add feature permissions", "status": { "id": 2 } } ]



  • STATUS 200 Returns a list of all checklists associated with the same issue in JSON format

  • status 400 Returned if the request body is invalid

  • status 404 Returned if the requested checklist is not found

Delete checklist items DELETE /rest/railsware/1.0/checklist/{checklistId}

Deletes all checklist items for the given checklist


Path parameters

  • checklistId: number (required)


  • STATUS 200 application/json returns empty checklist in JSON format

  • status 404 Returned if the requested checklist is not found

Create/Update checklist from string PUT /rest/railsware/1.0/checklist/{checklistId}/item

Creates or updates checklist items from string

Path parameters

  • checklistId: number (required)

Body parameters (application/json)

  • stringValue: string (required)

  • isReplace: boolean - replaces all checklist items by the provided string value if true, appends items to the end of the list otherwise


{ "isReplace": true, "stringValue": "# Release instructions2\n## Preparation\n+ Add feature permissions\n+ Send `internal` announcement with presentation\n~ Prepare branch\n> * merge feature to master\n> * set tag\n> * update" }


  • STATUS 200 Returns a list of all checklists associated with the same issue in JSON format


Get templates GET /rest/railsware/1.0/template/

Retrieve a list of checklist templates

GET template BY ID GET /rest/railsware/1.0/template/{templateId}

Retrieve an existing template by id

Delete template DELETE /rest/railsware/1.0/template/{id}

Deletes template by id