Apply Template using automation/integration tools

Apply Template using automation/integration tools

Add Smart Checklist Templates using the Template ID to your issues via different tools available in Jira - ScripRunner for Jira, Automation for Jira, JMWE.


Contents 👇🏼

☝🏼 NOTE: For issues with multiple checklist tabs, all Public API calls will only interact with the Default Checklist tab, and any templates will be imported into that tab.

Steps on how to apply the Smart Checklist Template via Automation for Jira

💡HINT: This is just an example of a use case with Issue created trigger. You can select any other available trigger based on your needs.

  1. Create a personal access token

    1. Navigate to User icon → Profile → Personal Access Tokens → Create Token

    2. Copy token value

  2. Go to Project Settings → Project Automation → click Create rule: (or go to Administration → System → Automation rules → click Create rule: )



  3. Create a trigger

    1. Choose Issue created

    2. Save


  4. Add component - New action


    1. Choose Send web request as the first action.

    2. Fill in the fields with the following values:

Webhook URL


Webhook URL



Header Name: Authorization
Header Value: Bearer <token> (replace <token> with the token obtained in Step 1)

Example: Bearer NDQ51zY0NzQ4NjUz...GdnIjoZbDOvd6TVslhWXJX

HTTP method


Webhook body


Wait for Response

Check this option

c. Save

  1. Add component - New action


    1. Choose Send web request as the second action

    2. Fill in the fields with the following values:

Webhook URL


Where ${templateId} should be replaced by the actual Smart Checklist template id

Webhook URL

Where ${templateId} should be replaced by the actual Smart Checklist template id




Bearer + token (mentioned in step 1)

HTTP method


Webhook body


Wait for Response

Don’t check this option

c. Save

  1. Name your new Automation and Turn it on

You're done! Now every time an issue is created, the proper template will be added to your Smart Checklist 🎉

Steps on how to apply the Smart Checklist template via ScriptRunner

  1. Go to Jira Administration → ScriptRunner → Console

  2. Add the following script:

Where testIssueKey and templateId should be changed accordingly.

  1. Click Run

Steps on how to apply the Smart Checklist template via JMWE

  1. Navigate to Jira Administration → Manage apps → Jira Misc Workflow Extensions Settings → Select Groovy console

  2. Add the following script:

Where testIssueKey and templateId should be changed accordingly.

  1. Click the Test Groovy script button

  2. Enter Issue Key where you want to apply template → Click Test

  3. You will see a message 🚀




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