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You might find Smart Checklist integration with ScripRunner useful for updating checklists using automated scripts. Below you can find the example of adding a checklist to a Jira Issue by means of updating Issue Property with the key com.railsware.SmartChecklist.checklist. 


Assume that you have a custom field named "Environment" with 2 values: Production/Staging. So you expect that while adding a new issue - you'll have a proper checklist assigned.

Implementation flow

  1. Go To Workflow Editor
  2. Choose "ScriptRunner Post-Function" (Runs a script in a post-function, or a built-in script)
  3. Choose "Run Script" (Run arbitrary code on transition)
  4. Add inline Script Code

    Code Block
    def issueKey = issue.key
    def newSummary = 'Updated by a script'
    def cfName = 'Environment'
    //get custom field of "seelct" type
    def customFields = get('/rest/api/2/field')
            .findAll { (it as Map).custom } as List<Map>
    def cfEnvironmentId = customFields.find { == cfName }?.id
    def cfEnvironment = issue.fields[cfEnvironmentId]
    //get custom field
    def environment = cfEnvironment['value'] as String
    def propertyKey = 'com.railsware.SmartChecklist.checklist'
    def propertyValue
    //compare field values
    if (environment == 'Production') { 
        propertyValue  = '"- ToDo List\\n+ Checked\\nx Skipped\\n~ In Progress\\n# Another ToDo List\\n- Unchecked\\n> Quote line 1\\n> Quote line 2\\n> Quote line 3\\n"'
    }else if (environment == 'Staging') { 
        propertyValue  = '"- Uno\\n+ Dos\\nx Tres\\n~ Quatro\\n"'
    }'property' + environment)
    def result = put('/rest/api/2/issue/' + issueKey + '/properties/' + propertyKey)
            .header('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    if (result.status == 204) {
        return 'Success'
    } else {
        return "${result.status}: ${result.body}"

  5. Save the script 
    Image Modified
  6. Publish workflow


The needed checklist is created.
