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Here we’ve gathered the most common issues with the way how to troubleshoot them, and possible solutions.


Probably Probable Cause

Possible Solution

Can’t save a Template.

No “Save as a Template” menu item option

Not enough Permissions

Grant Project Administrator permissions to a user.

Go to Project Settings → People → Add Person with Administrator Permissions

OR if you have enabled Custom Permissions , grant Add Smart Checklist Items permission to a user/group/role.

More on this:

Permissions & Access

“Unauthorised” message on addon’s pages

Incoming/Outgoing connection is blocked by company’s proxy settings.

Check if proxy settings enabled onyour computer.

E.g. on Windows Uuse setup script

might be turned on pointing to a script file.

Reach your network administrator, whitelist domains


  • let us know if you are on Cloud or Jira Server/Data Center

  • provide us with your Jira Server/Data Center version

  • provide us with the Smart Checklist addon add-on version

  • make screenshots, screen recordings of the checklist behavior that you think is are not valid

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