You can prevent the Jira issue from transition to the next state if not all Smart Checklist items are checked. That's done by validating the Custom Field ⚡️

Requires Smart Checklist Progress Custom Field "Smart Checklist Progress" Custom Field set up

☝🏼 NOTE: Not available in Next-Gen projects. Workflow customization isn't available yet for Next-Gen projects. As of now, it is on the longer-term roadmap of the Atlassian team. Therefore, transition validators are not available either.

Set up Validator

  1. Go to Project Settings → Workflows

  2. Choose the Workflow you want to add validation to and click Edit:

  3. Add Validator

    3.1. Choose transition and click on the Validators link:

    3.2. Add Validator:

3.3. Choose Regular Expression Check and click Add:

3.4. Choose "Smart Checklist Progress" field and set Regular Expression value to:

Regular Expression 👉🏻


3.5. Click Add -  a new Validator will be saved: 

4. Then Publish this changed workflow:

Check Validator in action

  1. Go to your project Board.

  2. Try to change the state of an item with opened checklist items.

  3. You'll get the error:

  4. If you check all Smart Checklist items - you'll be able to transition the Jira issue successfully:

Hope everything works for you! 🚀