Release Notes v6.5.0


  • New Smart Checklist History tab

  • IMPROVED Added one more custom permission to operate with templates - “Manage Smart Checklist Templates”

  • IMPROVED Removed the possibility to save the template if you have “Edit Issue” Jira’s permission, “Add Smart Checklist Items” or “Manage Smart Checklist Items” custom permissions

  • FIXED Dashboard Gadget for Jira 9.7.0 and 9.8.0



Smart Checklist History tab

Starting from v6.5.0 you can track all the changes done to Smart Checklist on a separate tab called “Smart Checklist History” tab available on Issue view.

You could also get the history of all updates done for the smart checklist applied to the issue using below REST API:

GET /rest/railsware/1.0/history?issueKey={issueKey}

 All you need to do to track changes in your Smart Checklist:

  • switch to the Activity tab of your Jira issue 

  • select the "Smart Checklist History" tab

To get more details follow the link -

Added one more custom permission to operate with templates - “Manage Smart Checklist Templates”

There is one more additional custom permission added to the Smart Checklist custom permission schema.

Manage Project permissions available:

  • Manage Smart Checklist Templates - Ability to save as a template, edit and delete templates.

Read more details here: Permission & Access.

Removed the possibility to save the template if you have “Edit Issue” Jira’s permission, “Add Smart Checklist Items” or “Manage Smart Checklist Items” custom permissions

With the introduced separate custom permission to operate with templates (Manage Smart Checklist Templates) users will no longer be able to save a Template from the Issue view by selecting “Save as a template” action from the Smart Checklist menu with these permissions:

  • custom permissions like “Add Smart Checklist Items” and “Manage Smart Checklist Items”

  • standard Jira permissions “Edit Issues”

For other permissions, there are no changes.

The table with all actions available per each permission granted to a user is available at this link Permission & Access.




For any questions or feature requests contact us: