Import Checklists into Issues from CSV

Import Smart Checklists into Jira and update existing Jira Issues ⚡️

Jira permissions are needed: grant users Administer Projects permission to manage templates

Requires Requires Checklists Custom Field
and Smart Checklist Progress Custom Field (if applicable)


  1. Prepare a proper CSV file containing checklists. Either manually or by exporting from Jira, read more here →

  2. Clean up CSV, leave only needed columns (fields), e.g. Issue Key (for future mapping Jira issues), Summary, Checklists, Smart Checklist Progress


  1. Go to System → Import and Export → External System Import → CSV

  1. Choose CSV file

  2. Choose Project and other import settings and click Next:


  1. Map fields:

CSV Field

Jira field

Map field value

CSV Field

Jira field

Map field value

Custom field (Checklists)


do not check

Issue Key

Issue Key


Summary required


check if applicable

  • map Issue Key CSV field to Issue Key Jira field and check 'Map field value' (by that field values will be taken for updating a ticket)

  • map Summary CSV field to Summary Jira field 

  • map Checklists CSV field to Checklists Jira field


  1. Check if fields mapped correctly and begin the Import:


  2. Once the import is finished - the "Checklists" custom field in proper Jira Issues will get updated with Checklists values from CSV


Hope everything works for you!