Release Notes 2.5.37-AC




Smart Checklist for Jira. Free


Smart Checklist for Jira. Pro


  • NEW Render external links in the Smart Checklist

  • IMPROVED Smart Checklist content loading time

  • IMPROVED Smart Checklist view for end user on customer portal


Render external links in the Smart Checklist

Since version v2.5.37-AC Smart Checklist for Jira Cloud all the external links to valid accessible services will be rendered in a nice way.

Here is an example:

Smart Checklist view for end user on customer portal

Since version v2.5.37-AC Smart Checklist for Jira Cloud will no longer be shown on customer portal for end users if it’s empty.

If any changes are done to the Smart Checklist (new items added/template applied) by agent on agent portal checklist will be displayed in view only mode for the customers on the customer portal.