JQL Search

Smart Checklist supports JQL as an approach for searching checklist items values and checklist progress 🚀

To use this functionality you may need to set up "Checklists" or "Smart Checklist Progress" custom field. It depends on what main criteria you'd like to search for.


Contents 👇🏻


Guide to set up custom fields:

🏢 Company-managed projects:

👥 Next-gen projects:

☝🏼 NOTE: If you are using the next-gen project, make sure that the added custom fields has a global context. To add global context to your custom fields, follow the official Atlassian guide.


Search examples:

📊 Search by checklist progress:

JQL Search option

JQL query

JQL Search option

JQL query

Issues with opened checklists (not all checklist items completed)
Smart cHECKLISt progressFIELD required

"Smart Checklist Progress" ~ "-Done"


Issues with ALL completed checklists
Smart cHECKLISt progressFIELD required

"Smart Checklist Progress" ~ "Done"

Issues where there is at least one completed (checked) checklist item
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].hasClosedChecklistItems = 'true'

Issues where all checklist items are open (unchecked)
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].hasClosedChecklistItems = 'false'

Issues where there is at least one open checklist item
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].hasOpenChecklistItems = 'true'

Issues where all checklist items are completed
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].hasOpenChecklistItems = 'false'

🗒 Search by checklist items:

JQL Search option

You type

JQL Search option

You type

Search for checklists containing specific items
cHECKLISts FIElD required

"Checklists" ~ "your item value"
"cf[Checklists CustomFieldID] ~ "your item value"

Search for an exact phrase in the checklist items or exact checklist items
cHECKLISts FIElD required

"Checklists" ~ "\"your item value\""
cf[Checklists CustomFieldID] ~ "\"your item value\"

Search by number of items
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].totalChecklistItems > 5

☝🏼 Note: Available operators could be used: >, >=, <, <=, =, !=.

Search by not empty or empty checklists cHECKLISts FIElD required

"Checklists" is not EMPTY


"Checklists" is EMPTY

Search by a specified due date or related dates
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsDates = '2022-11-11'

☝🏼 Note:
Available operators could be used: >, >=, <, <=, =, !=.
Allowed formats for JQL: 'YYYY-MM-DD' or 'YYYY/MM/DD'
Allowed format for data records in checklist items: 'YYYY-MM-DD'

Search by checklist items in the particular status
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsStatus ~ 'Todo'

☝🏼 Note:
The query returns all the issues where there is at least one checklist item in Todo status.

Use default status (Todo, Done, Skipped, and In Progress) or custom statuses.


🙋🏽‍♂️ Search by checklist assignees:

JQL Search option

You type

JQL Search option

You type

Search by currently logged user
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ currentUser()

Search by any user
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ UserId

☝🏼 Note: don’t use “@” symbol

Search by custom mention
no fields required

issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ HRTeam (or your custom mention)


🚀 JQL combinations for more accurate searches:


JQL Search option

You type


JQL Search option

You type


Search for not competed checklists with specific number of items

"Smart Checklist Progress" ~ "-Done" AND issue.property[SmartChecklist].totalChecklistItems > 5

Search for not competed checklists with a specific due date

"Smart Checklist Progress" ~ "-Done" AND issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsDates = '2022-11-11'

Search for not completed checklists which contains specific items

"Smart Checklist Progress" ~ "-Done" AND "Checklists" ~ "your item value"

Search for checklists with mentioned current logged user and due date

issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ currentUser()
AND issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsDates = '2023-08-01'

Search for checklists with items in the particular status and due date

issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsStatus ~ 'Todo' AND issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsDates = '2023-08-01'


Search for checklists with items in particular statuses

issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsStatus ~ 'Todo' OR issue.property[SmartChecklist].itemsStatus ~ 'In progress'

will return checklists that includes items with in progress or todo statuses

Search for checklists with mentions of current logged user and somebody else

issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ currentUser()
AND issue.property[SmartChecklist].assignees ~ UserId

will return checklists that includes mentions of the current logged user or somebody else



Hope everything works for you! 🚀