Notify about Checklist Updates by Email

Notify about Checklist Updates by Email

Starting from version 2.5.42-AC it becomes possible to receive notifications on any changes/updates done for the Smart Checklist applied to the issues 🚀

A new section "Notify on checklist update" is added to the Global Settings.
NOTE: Notifying users on checklist update is disabled by default.

To use this functionality you need to set up the "Checklists" custom field.

To enable the feature in Global Settings - please follow the next steps:

Go to Apps through Settings → Smart Checklist → Global Permissions → Turn the “Notify on checklist update” setting ON


To disable the feature in Global Settings - please follow the next steps:

☝🏼NOTE: Notifying users on checklist update is set as OFF by default

  1. Go to Apps through Settings → Smart Checklist → Global Permissions → Turn the “Notify Assignee” setting OFF


Supported actions to receive notifications:

  • add/edit/delete checklist items in quick view and full-screen

  • change the status of checklist items

  • reorder checklist items

  • import a template

  • add/edit/delete details

  • convert to Jira issue

  • clear checklist

Example of a notification:


Configure per project who will receive notifications on checklist updates.

Follow the steps below to configure:

  1. Navigate to Project → Project Settings

  2. Select notifications on the left

  3. Click Actions → Edit Notifications - if you want to change

  4. Add/Delete anyone you need for Issue Update


All issue watchers will receive an email notification on any checklist updates if it is configured in the Notification Scheme ✅


Please check more details on notification configuration and possible delays on the Atlassian:


Hope everything works for you!

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