Set-up Custom Permissions

Smart Checklist emulates global Jira permissions by default as follows:

  • Users with the "Browse Projects" permission can browse issues and see Smart Checklist content in these issues. They will not be able to bring any changes to checklists though;

  • Users with the "Edit Issue" permission will be able to modify checklists (mark items as done/undone; edit content within the items, add/delete items, etc.);

  • Users with "Administer Projects" permission are able to create/modify templates and set them as default. You can grant proper permissions via Project Settings → Users and roles → Add users to a role.

You can enable Custom Permissions to View and Work with Smart Checklist starting from Smart Checklist v6.4.1.


To Enable Custom Permissions

  1. Go to Settings → Manage apps → Smart Checklist Settings → Permissions tab

  2. Enable Custom Permissions by toggling these options:

  • Custom permissions to work with Smart Checklist

  • Custom permissions to “View Smart Checklist”

Work with Smart Checklist permissions set up

When Work with Smart Checklist is enabled - then the following permissions need to be used to work with Smart Checklist:

  • Add Smart Checklist Items - add Smart Checklist, checklist items, save a template, and apply a template.

  • Set status of Smart Checklist Items - check/uncheck checklist items, and set statuses.

  • Delete Smart Checklist Items - delete checklist items.

  • Manage Smart Checklist Items - add new checklist items, edit, delete, change order, and import templates.

  • Manage Smart Checklist Templates - save as a template, edit and delete templates.

When disabled, the “Edit Issues” permissions are required to work with the Smart Checklist.

View Smart Checklist permissions set up

When View Smart Checklist is enabled - then this permission needs to be used to View Smart Checklist.

When disabled, the “Browse Projects” Jira standard permission is needed to view the Smart Checklist and the history of changes.

To set up Custom Permissions

  1. Go to Jira → Project → Project Settings → Permissions.

  2. Click Actions → Edit permissions.

  3. Look for the Smart Checklist permissions set.

  4. Grant proper permissions to users/roles/groups in your project.