Import checklists from Elements Checklist, My ToDo, Checklist for Jira | Enterprise

Import checklists from Elements Checklist, My ToDo, Checklist for Jira | Enterprise

Importing checklists from My ToDo or Elements Checklist into Smart Checklist is supported starting from version v6.6.0.

Importing from Checklist for Jira Enterprise is supported from version 7.4.2.


Steps to Import Checklists

Before importing checklists, enable the Smart Checklist for relevant projects to ensure the imported data is applied correctly to issues.

  1. Navigate to the Smart Checklist Settings

    • Go to Administration → Manage apps → Smart Checklist → Settings.

  2. Enable Smart Checklist for relevant projects

    • Click on the Projects tab.

    • Toggle Smart Checklist on for the projects where you want to perform the import.

Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 12.31.38.png
Enable relevant projects

3. Go to the Import Checklists Tab

  1. Choose one of the following apps from the list:

    • My ToDo

    • Elements Checklist

    • Checklist for Jira | Enterprise

Select source add-on
  1. Choose the Import Options:

    • Override existing Smart Checklist items: Replace existing checklist items with those from the third-party app.

    • Append to existing Smart Checklist items: Adds imported items to the bottom of existing checklists.

    • Add to issues with empty Smart Checklist data only: Imports only into issues with no existing Smart Checklist items.

  2. Click Run import to start the process. A progress bar will appear, showing the import status. This may take some time.

  3. Review Import results. Once the import is complete, the following details will be displayed:

    • The date and time of the last import

    • The number of successfully migrated checklists

    • The number of unsuccessfully migrated checklists

    • A link to download a detailed log (for sharing with the support team, if needed).

Review results
  1. Click the Acknowledge button to hide the import progress bar and details. To perform another import, repeat the steps above and click Re-run import.

☝🏼NOTE: If the source plugin is not installed on your Jira instance:

  • The app will appear greyed out with a "not installed" tag.

  • It will not be selectable for import.

Import using API

In addition to the user interface, you can run project-specific imports directly using the REST API. This method is particularly useful when a project admin needs to initiate migration without involving the global admin to enable or disable settings for all projects.

REST API Endpoint

Use the following endpoint to start the migration process for selected projects:

POST /rest/railsware/1.0/migration

Request Body Parameters

The request body should be sent in application/json format and include the following fields:

  • migrationOption (string): Specifies how the data is handled during the migration.


  • migrationType (string): Specifies the source app to migrate from.


  • projectIds (array of numbers, optional): A list of project IDs to be included in the migration.

  • dryRun (boolean, optional): Use this option to preview the migration process. When true, the system will generate logs indicating which issues would be affected without making any changes.

Example of Request body

The following example demonstrates how to migrate checklists from the Elements Checklist app to Smart Checklist, using the OVERRIDE option for two projects:

{ "migrationOption": "OVERRIDE", "migrationType": "ELEMENTS", "projectIds": [11001, 10900] }

Checking Migration Status

You can verify the status of a migration process using the following endpoint:

GET /rest/railsware/1.0/migration?migrationType=MY_TO_DO

This will return the current state of the migration for the specified migrationType, allowing you to see whether it has been completed.

Formatting Changes and Adaptation (App-Specific)

During migration, checklist items from third-party apps are adapted to match the Smart Checklist structure. Various formatting elements, such as text styles and statuses, are converted into checklist items with appropriate statuses and nesting to ensure compatibility. Unsupported elements are simplified or omitted.

You can find the specific formatting conversions applied during import in the tables below:

My ToDo

Formatting types


Displayed in Smart Checklist

Formatting types


Displayed in Smart Checklist


  • It's highly recommended to manually create the same custom statuses you had in My ToDo in Smart Checklist before the import.

  • If, during import, some statuses are missing, they will be created with a similar name but with “Unchecked” state as default in Smart Checklist


  • Links are supported and migrated in this format:

- [marketplace](https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1211170/my-todo?hosting=datacenter&tab=versions) - link to Atlassian marketplace - [https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/Setting-default-value-for-priority-field/qaq-p/770467](https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/Setting-default-value-for-priority-field/qaq-p/770467)


User mention

  • All users present in the User management under the instance and are mentioned in the checklists will be migrated successfully. Full name will be displayed


  • Dates are supported and will be rendered accordingly

Numbered/bullet point hierarchical lists

  • As we are not supporting hierarchical lists it will be migrated as one item and rendered as number/bullet point lists

Text Formatting

  • Italic and code text is supported

Mandatory items (flagged items)

  • All mandatory items (that are flagged) are supported and imported as mandatory items with a red asterisk in the upper right corner of the checkbox




Elements Checklist

Formatting types


Displayed in Smart Checklist

Multiple panels (checklists)

  • Unlike our product, Elements Checklist allows users to have more than one panel (checklist). When importing, the different panel names will be formatted into <h3> headers. The names of the attributes will be formatted into the <h6> headers in a row separated by |.


  • "Separators" in the Elements Checklist are similar to our headers functionality. They start with:

    • ---

    • ***

    • ___


Block quotes

  • Block quotes are not supported. They will be rendered as one item

Lists (Ordered/Unordered)

  • Lists are not supported. They will be rendered as one item


  • Tables are not supported. They will be rendered as one item


  • Links are supported and will be rendered accordingly


  • Images are supported and will be rendered accordingly

Text Formatting

  • Italic, bold, strikethrough and code text is supported


  • All 6 headers are supported and will be rendered accordingly


  • Only basic formulas are supported

  • All the number attributes together with the result field will be rendered as a row separated by |


  • Files are not supported. They will be rendered with id and file name

Limitations for import from Elements Checklist

Elements Checklist panels can have a structure with different attribute types, and each panel can include a combination of these attributes. Before starting the import, keep the following considerations in mind:

Checkbox Attribute Type: To ensure that Elements Checklist items with checkboxes appear as checklists in Smart Checklist after migration, include the Checkbox attribute type in the panel.

☝🏼NOTE: If the Checkbox attribute type is absent in the panel, items will be imported and displayed as plain text without checkboxes.

Rendering Attribute Types: The names of all attribute types configured for a panel will be displayed in a row, separated by |, with an h6 header (e.g., ###### Single text | Component | Date | Issue | Test Number | Version | User mention | Select).

Rendering Attribute Values: All values for the attribute types configured for the panel will also be shown in a row, separated by |.

Multiple Panels: If an issue has multiple panels configured, each panel will be rendered with its name as an h3 header. The names of the attributes will appear in a row, separated by |, with an h6 header, followed by the checklist items.

☝🏼NOTE: Note that template migration from Elements Checklist is not supported.

Combination of Attribute types

Displayed in Smart Checklist

Text + User + Version + Checkbox

Text + Date + Issue + Checkbox

Text + Component + Number + Checkbox

Calculation + Checkbox

Text (multi-line) + Checkbox


Text + Select list + File + Checkbox

Checklist for Jira | Enterprise

Formatting types


Displayed in Smart Checklist

Multiple lists per issue

  • Imported into a single Smart checklist with fields/checklist names turned into headers

Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 17.36.01.png


  • Imported as Details


User mentions

  • Imported and added to the end of the related items


Due dates

  • Imported and added to the end of the related items

Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 17.41.41.png


  • Imported as headings

NOTE: only default (h1) headings are properly imported.



  • Standard markdown options are supported:
    Bold, italic, strikethrough, code.

  • Nested lists are imported

NOTE: Block quote and numbered lists are not supported.


URLs and Links to Jira issues

  • Imported



  • Imported


Item statuses
(fully compatible)

All statuses with On status set = Uncheck the item.

Configuration example:


Checklist example:


Import result:



Item statuses

(partially compatible)

  1. WHEN “On status set” - Check the item
    AND “On checked changed” is one of (Set status when Checked OR Do nothing)
    THEN Status is created but applied for unchecked items.
    Config example:


Checklist example:

  1. WHEN On status set” is Check the item AND “On checked changedis Remove status when unchecked
    THEN Status is created in settings but it for all Checklist items it is replaced with default Done status.
    Config example:


Checklist example:


☝🏼NOTE: the import of this two configurations might be changed later.

  1. Import result:
    Status is created in settings but Checkbox state is Checked:

  1. Checklist view:




  1. Import result:
    Status is created:

  1. For checklist items it replaced by default DONE:


Item statuses

(not compatible)

  1. WHEN both “On status set” and “On checked changed” are Do nothing
    THEN only checkbox state is taken into consideration and statuses are not imported.
    Config example:


    Checklist Example:


Import result - status not imported. For items it is replaced by default DONE and TO DO statuses:


Mandatory items

  • Imported as mandatory times


Limitations for import from Checklist for Jira | Enterprise

Global Items: Imported as regular items to maintain historical data.

Priorities: Not migrated during the import process.

Unsupported Features: Permissions, Automations, Workflow Validators, Most settings related to Look & Feel and Behavior.

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