Jira Misc Workflow Extensions (JMWE)

You can add/ change/ append values of Smart Checklist content using Jira Misc Workflow Extensions (JMWE) add-on.

The same flow is available while using the native post-function of Smart Checklist. See the details here: Modify checklists on a Workflow Transition 

Smart Checklist can be tightly integrated and expanded with JMWE tools (read add-on documentation)

Use cases

Append Smart Checklist items while transitioning Jira issue 

  1. Edit project Workflow

  2. Add Post-Function to the transition you want. E.g. "In progress"

  3. Choose the post Function "Set issue, user or project Entity Property value (JMWE add-on)"

  4. Set Property Name to update to:  

  5. Using entity properties, to add a value to the checklist, you should use the "Groovy Expression" option of the "Set issue, user or project entity property" post-function with a script. If you want to keep/use current values of checklist - add to the beginning of editor converted values of "com.railsware.SmartChecklist.checklist" property itself and then add and "new items" using the Formatting Guide.

    JsonOutput.toJson(issue.getEntityProperty("com.railsware.SmartChecklist.checklist")+"\n- new item 1 \n- new item 2\n- new item 3")

    The reason why using "Groovy Expression" is a must and a "Groovy Template" won't work is because checklists' Entity property contains newlines, which need to be encoded in JSON (as "\n").

  6. Save Post Function by clicking "Add"

  7. Check added post function and Publish Draft

  8. Moving a Jira Issue from any state to "In QA" (in our case) will get a new piece of Smart Checklist added to the issue

  9. Enjoy!

Clean up Smart Checklist values on Workflow Transition

If you want to clean up checklist values completely (e.g. when moving from "In Progress" state to "ToDo" - proceed with the same actions that are described in the previous use case.

Then as Groovy Expression of "Set Issue, User or Project Entity Property Post-function" from JMWE simply put the following string:


Save and publish the workflow and you are set!

Modify Smart Checklist postfunction in JMWE Shared Extensions

Starting from v7.1.1 Modify Smart Checklist Postfunction is accessible from the Shared Extensions in the JMWE app.

This allows you to configure global actions using the Modify Smart Checklist Postfunction, which can later be used in the list of post functions for your project workflows.

All you need is:

  1. Navigate to Manage apps > Shared extensions under Jira Misc Workflow Extensions

  2. Click Add shared action button

  3. Fill in details: provide Action name and Description

  4. Click Add post function button

  5. Select Modify Smart Checklist from the list → Click Add

  6. Fill in Function name if needed

  7. Select action: choose append or replace

  8. Select template from the list by typing template name or add checklist manually

  9. Select condition if needed → Click Add

  10. Click Save

Your saved shared action will be displayed in the list, and you can edit, delete, or copy this action later.

Now, you can go to any project workflow configuration, and this shared action will be available in the list of post functions for you to use.