Manage Templates

Manage Templates

Manage your Templates effortlessly with Smart Templates 😎



Template List

The Template list can be accessed from the Project sidebar → Apps → Smart Templates

The list with all of your project Templates will appear:


Create a Template

  1. Go to the Template List

  2. Click on the Create template button

  1. The Template edit screen will appear, where you can create your custom Issue template and pre-fill the fields you need

💡HINT: Read more about editing a Template here → Edit Templates


Delete a Template

  1. Go to the Template List

  2. Click on 3-dots menu for the Template you want to delete

  3. Click on Delete

  1. Click OK in the confirmation window

  2. You will receive a notification confirming that the Template was deleted successfully


Duplicate a Template

  1. Go to the Template List

  2. Click on 3-dots menu for Template you want to delete

  3. Click on Duplicate

  1. The window will appear. Type in the name of the new Template and click OK

  2. Done!


Rename a Template

  1. Go to the Template List

  2. Expand the Template you want to rename by clicking on it

  3. Click on the Template name field in order to edit it

  4. Type in the new name for the Template and click the check button

  1. Done! You Template is renamed


You are all set!