Features & Roadmap

Features & Roadmap

We're actively developing to enhance your experience!
Dive into our roadmap for a sneak peek at future features. Missing something? Let us know! Your input fuels our progress 🚀

We're hard at work preparing new features for you. Stay tuned – they'll be posted here soon ✏️





Global Templates

  • ability to share templates between projects

🔗 Doc: Global Templates

Integration with Automation for Jira

  • ability to automatically create issues from templates based on Automation for Jira and other 3rd party tools triggers

🔗 Doc: Template Automation with Webhook links

Participation in Cloud Fortified program

  • participation in Cloud Fortified program aims the app to meet all of Atlassian’s cloud security requirements and show investment in cloud security by participating in the Marketplace Bug Bounty program and providing complete information on the privacy & security tab of their Marketplace listing

🔗 Link to the marketplace: Smart Templates: Issue Templates and Scheduler for Jira | Atlassian Marketplace

Template Scheduler

  • ability to schedule the automatic creation of issues from templates

🔗 Doc: Scheduler

Smart Templates for DC

  • releasing Smart Templates app for Data Center

🔗 Marketplace listing: Smart Templates: Issue Templates and Scheduler for Jira | Atlassian Marketplace

Templates History

  • ability to see the history of created issues from the template

🔗 Doc: Template History

Using variables in Smart checklist

  • ability to use text variables in smart checklist

🔗 Doc: Smart Checklist & Smart Templates | Use variables inside checklists New 🥳

Smart Checklist integration

  • add checklist to your templates

  • create issues from template along with checklists

  • track the checklist progress via Smart Templates Hierarchy

🔗 Doc: https://railsware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NQAz9Q

Emulating Jira permissions to work with templates

🔗 Doc: https://railsware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/goAH8Q

Text variables

  • ability to add text variables to issue fields in your template

🔗 Doc: https://railsware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/TQAZ9

Support custom fields in templates

  • ability to support basic field types of custom fields

🔗 Doc:https://railsware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/GoA4_w

Duplicate a template

  • ability to duplicate the existing template in the template list

🔗 Doc:Manage Templates | Duplicate a Template

Smart Templates Hierarchy

  • display the issue hierarchy on the issue view

🔗 Doc: https://railsware.atlassian.net/wiki/x/eIBM7Q

Save the existing issue hierarchy as a template

  • save the existing issue tree in Jira as a template

🔗 Doc: Create a Template | Save Issue hierarchy as a Template

Create a template from scratch

  • add/delete/duplicate issues in your template

  • pre-fill issue fields

🔗 Doc: Create a Template | Create a Template from scratch