Workflows: Validate Checklist before Issue Transition

Workflows: Validate Checklist before Issue Transition

You can prevent the Jira issue from transition to the next state if not all Smart Checklist items are checked. That's done by validating the Smart checklist progress or checklists Custom Fields ⚡️

Smart Checklist Progress Custom Field "Smart Checklist Progress" Custom Field set up

Checklists Custom Field "Checklists" Custom Field set up

☝🏼 NOTE: Not available in Next-Gen projects. Workflow customization isn't available yet for Next-Gen projects. As of now, it is on the longer-term roadmap of the Atlassian team. Therefore, transition validators are not available either.


Set up Validator

  1. Go to Project Settings → Workflows

  2. Choose the Workflow you want to add validation to and click Edit:


  3. Add Validator

    3.1. Choose transition and click on the Validators link:

    3.2. Add Validator:

3.3. Choose Regular Expression Check and click Add:


3.4. Choose "Smart Checklist Progress" field and set Regular Expression value to:

Regular Expression 👉🏻


3.5. Click Add -  a new Validator will be saved: 


4. Then Publish this changed workflow:


Check Validator in action

  1. Go to your project Board.

  2. Try to change the state of an item with opened checklist items.

  3. You'll get the error:


  4. If you check all Smart Checklist items - you'll be able to transition the Jira issue successfully:


Alternative Validation on “Checklists” custom field

If you need a validation rule that prevents transitioning to the next status until a specific checklist item, in our example, "Testing is passed successfully" is marked as Done or Skipped, this solution is for you.

Since the initial setup steps have already been covered above, follow the same instructions to navigate to your workflow and add a Regular Expression Check validator.

3.4. Choose "Checklists" field and set Regular Expression value to:

Regular Expression 👉🏻

(?s)^(?!.*[-~]\s(?:\[[^\[\]]+\]\s)?Testing is passed successfully).*$

3.5. Click Add -  a new Validator will be saved:

  1. Then Publish this changed workflow:


Check Alternative Validator in action

  1. Go to your project Board.

  2. Attempt to transition an issue into Done status where the checklist item “Testing is passed successfully“ is still in "To Do" or "In Progress.".

  3. You'll get the error:


Hope everything works for you! 🚀

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