Notify checklist assignees by email

Since version 6.0.0 Smart Checklist for Jira Server and Data Center support email notifications about checklist item assignment to Jira user.

How to Enable/Disable feature

By default, the feature is disabled and assignees do not receive email notifications.

To enable the feature - please follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jira Administration Settings → Manage Apps → Smart Checklist Settings.

  2. Navigate to the “Global settings” tab.

  3. Turn on the “Notify assignees” toggle:

To disable the feature - please follow the next steps:

  1. Navigate to the Jira Administration Settings → Manage Apps → Smart Checklist Settings.

  2. Navigate to the “Global settings” tab.

  3. Turn off the “Notify assignees” toggle:

How feature works

Once the feature is enabled - newly assigned users will receive email notifications:

  • when they assigned to checklist item via quick view mode


  • when they assigned to checklist item via full-screen editor

Each unique assignee will receive an email after assignment (even to the same checklist item).

Assignee will not receive an email in the next cases:

  • assignee is assigned to item, where he is already an assignee

  • content of checklist item with assignee is updated

  • assignee added to header item

Email content

Checklist content markup in the email is almost the same as visible in the Smart Checklist add-on:

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